Born in 1985, lives in Moscow. Studied at the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (specialization – engineer/architect). Works in the fields of sculpture, public art, costume, and performance art. Author of the Dancing Axis of the Fifth Dimension project, dedicated to new urban sculptures. The project was presented at the Here, on Taganka Gallery in 2019. Thanks to this project, the artist was nominated for the 1st Moscow Art Prize in 2020 (Visual Art and Architecture section).
Since 2020, installed together with a group of students the Spinning Top sculpture in the Tauride Art Park and the sculpture El Skyscraper in Yekaterinburg. One of the artists who worked on developing the design for a square in Vyksa City that was included in the Best Public Spaces of 2018 rating by the Project Russia magazine. Participated in numerous exhibition projects and contemporary art festivals in Russia and abroad, including the Moscow International Biennale for Young Art (Moscow, 2020, 2012, 2008), Architecture (Moscow, 2020), Tbilisi Art Fair (Tbilisi, 2019), Innovative Costume in the 21st Century: New Generation (Moscow, 2019), Al-Tiba9 Contemporary Fashion Weekend (Barcelona, 2018), Berlin Alternative Fashion Week (Berlin, 2015), The Pulse of New Russia (Sofia, 2014). Organizes masterclasses on “architectural” costume and sculpture.
Stable Composition. 2020
Sculpture. From the Dancing Axis of the Fifth Dimension project Metal frame, expanded polystyrene, fiberglass, paint, lacquer. 5.8 х 2.3 х 2.3 m
From the INTECO collection
Stable Composition is a part of the Dancing Axis of the Fifth Dimension project — a series of sculptures created by the artist for Moscow. The artist envisions all the sculptures that appear within the project as inhabitants of a fifth dimension. The residents of the fifth dimension are not limited to any specific configurations or colors and are free to interact with one another. Upon entering our tridimensional world these creatures, affected by gravity and other physical forces, freeze in place and become static, similar to statues. The sculpture on display at the exhibition, however, is different. It is stable and unchanging in the fifth dimension as well. Thanks to its internal energy, composure, and tenacity, the creature is able to successfully transfer between the worlds.