Vasilisa Prokopchuk (pseudonym: elahoa). Born in Apatity City, Murmansk Oblast. Graduated from the Venetsianov Tver Art College. Currently studies at the Graphic Design Faculty of the Stroganov Academy. The artist is striving to discover “new ways of self-expression.” Her main ideas are connected to the concept of interacting with nature. Collects natural artifacts, using their images in her art pieces: graphics, tattoos, illustrations, etc.
Evgeny Bragin (pseudonym: kotefey). Born and raised in Zagoryansky Town, Moscow Oblast. Graduated from the Financial University (Business Informatics Faculty). Currently implements information systems as a BI system architect. As an artist, Evgeny works in photography, video, site-specific art, and new territories.
Impassable Wood. 2021
Interactive installation. Wood, metal frame. 4 х 3 х 6 m
For the Archstoyanie Festival (Nikola-Lenivets Village)
For the Archstoyanie Festival (Nikola-Lenivets Village) Vasilisa Prokopchuk and Evgeny Bragin, winners of the open competition for inclusive objects at the 2021 ArchStoyanie Festival, developed the interactive installation Impassable Wood: a framework of movable walls made from hanging “branches.” Each person has five senses. However, we are also blessed with an internalized sense of space. While navigating unfamiliar forests, it is very easy to lose track of visual and audial landmarks, such as crossing paths, the crackle of trees, the sounds coming from a highway somewhere in the distance. By trusting our intuition, we can find a way out of the most impassable wood. By making their way through the movable branches of the installation, guests can learn to trust their environment more, develop their intuition, and find a way out in any situation.